Welcome to Our Pack's Web Site!
The Cub Scouting Program of the Boy Scouts Of America is designed for families,
leaders, and organizations to use with boys who are in second to fifth grades(or are ages
8 through 10)for the Purpose of :
- Influencing the development of character and encouraging spiritual growth.
- Developing habits and attitudes of good citizenship.
- Encouraging good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong mind and body.
- Improving understanding within the family.
- Strengthening the ability to get along with other boys and respect other people.
- Fostering a sense of personal achievement by developing new interest and skills
- Showing how to be helpful as do ones best
- Providing fun and exciting new thins to do.
- Preparing then to be Boy Scouts.
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last updated:
Sunday, January 05, 2003 |