PACK 234


THE SALES PORTION IS OVER - YOU MUST TURN IN MONEY later than December 5th.     


All of the following can be earned in addition to regular prize chosen!!!
Sell $1000 and earn a $40 gift card to Walmart or Toys-R-Us
Top sellers in the Pack    1st prize - $25 gift card to Toys-R-Us
                                      2nd prize - $15 gift card to Toys-R-Us
                                      3rd prize - $10 gift  card to Toys-R-Us
Top seller in each den will get a special prize!
Pie in the face!!!   
    Sell $200 and throw a pie at a den leader or asst cubmaster!!!
    Sell $300 do above and throw a pie at the cubmaster!!!
    Sell $400 do both of the above and throw a pie at Fran!!! 
Each filled sales sheet turned in by Oct 24th will earn $10 gift card to Burger King!
Sell to 15 different customers and earn a "Boy's Life" renewal...a $9.00 value.


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